Your story in more detail.
Many companies use the internet to not only present their company and sell products, but also to provide more information for their clients and customers. Video content means visibility, and good video content means good communication. A lot of my work consists of this type of production: not an overly selling tone, but more measured and convincing. The goal is to explain the ins and outs of your story as well as possible .
This company specializes in Smart appliances, and advising people about them. A series of 30+ YouTube videos explains every aspect of making your life easier with technology.
These acupuncture products are pretty new to most Europeans, so a little explanation is in order. This is a good example of really quiet and step-by-step explanations. If I'm really honest, this is one of my favourite ways to speak.
Local City Promotions
Governments and cultural organisations need promotion and documentation, just like any other. I have provided voice recordings for for example the cities of Zaanstad, Almere, Utrecht, Elspeet, Vierhouten.

Teaching is learning.
Educational projects are always amazingly interesting to do, because they always teach me something new. I love explaining things to children and adults that I've only just learned myself. This allows me to be excited as well as convincing. My voice is relatively neutral, so it does not get in the way of the material.
Mozaik Education from Hungary asked me to provide the dutch voice for their online learning environment, Mozaweb. It contains hundreds of very detailed 3d animations, in which the students can discover architecture, biology, history, science and much more, at their own pace. This project is ongoing, and might be my favourite educational project yet.
Eye Filmmuseum: Avonturen in het Donker
Film experts and fellow film scholars Dyzlo Film created this school program about film, distributed by Eye Film Museum in Amsterdam. Eye is the big white building you see when you look over the water from the train station. In this series, children learn to watch movies critically, and analyse them.
TU Technische Universiteit Delft
A series of videos on science and technology, and their benefits in the classroom.
De Eeuw van het Medicijn
In this project by Taskforce Innovatie Regio Utrecht, FourceLabs, HKU School of the Arts and University Museum Utrecht, children learn to do basic scientific research. They do empirical research, and learn the importance of scientific principles like repeated testing.

Get yours today.
Asus 100% Zekerheid
Personal computer manufacturer Asus had a crazy summer deal: no risk buy! Animation and production by Supermassive.
Omniversum Den Haag - National TV Promo
Omniversum is a famous IMAX dome cinema. For their new release 'Born To Be Wild', they commissioned Bob Kommer Studios for all audio. Dutch superstar Carice van Houten did the movie voice, while I did the TV and radio promo spots.

Professional Internal Presentations
Businesses often need internal videos, or materials they only send to clients. This needs to be done professionally and with a friendly voice. I can't show you examples because this material is not for public use, but I can tell you a bit more about some of the projects I've worked on.
Vehicle IVECO needed to have a large number of videos translated about their competitors translated for internal use in their development department. I dubbed the original videos, commissioned by Italian sound studio TcRec.
Nationale Nederlanden
The Drawing Room made an animated video explaining the pension plans of this Dutch insurance company.
I provided the Dutch voice.
ROC Superschool
This cooperation of schools in Amsterdam and Flevoland was planning to change a lot of processes before the year 2020. For that, they needed to produce some motivating videos for internal use. I voiced the animation, made by Guckindiewelt.

A Comforting Voice.
Health care requires a voice that is friendly to everyone listening, sometimes taking a bit more time to explain difficult subjects in detail. Many of these projects deal with mental health, like eGGZ Centrum, Inpreze, Jouw Omgeving, and Suus Hessling's film Retrogenese. The subject of mental health care is a topic I care deeply about, and therefor am always glad to be trusted with them.
Karify creates online environments to connect patients to their health care professionals. It's an easy to use interface, that makes connecting to therapists, doctors et cetera, painless.
eGGZ Centrum
eMental Health is a big topic in the Netherlands. Many companies are coming up with innovation that make digital mental health care easier and more accessible. This conference by eGGZ Centrum was meant to bring many of these organisations together. Production by Dyzlo Film.
B Fit Trainingswijzer
B Fit is an aerobic training and treatment program for people with neuromuscular conditions. This instructions is meant for physiotherapists, to guide them through the patient process.
In this project, teens learn to be mindful, to counter their anxiety or depression. In a series of 6 short exercises, the teens learn to pay attention to different parts of their body, and pay attention to the here and now.
KansPlus Ouderenproject
A series of videos about elder care, and especially elderly people with Down syndrome. Production by Buro Opaal.
Retrogenese (English and Dutch versions)
Suus Hessling's graduation project, made completely in papercraft, tells us in detail what happens when people get dementia. A sad story that most people will encounter at some point in their lives. Suus asked me to do the voice in both English and Dutch.

Breathing life into characters.
GGD Tandenpoes
This magical cat explains children how to brush their teeth. I did a bunch of voices for this series, including the tooth brush cat and the hippo. Produced for GGZ (the Dutch National Health Service) by il Luster Productions, animation by Studio Carambolas.
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
This is a clip for the Dutch parliament, created by Frodo Kuijpers and il Luster Productions. 'Poldering' is a very Dutch concept, meaning that every party in a project has to give in a little bit, so the project actually gets realized.
Urenco - Richie
Richie is a little enriched uranium isotope, the mascot of nuclear power company Urenco. In his online environment, children can learn about nuclear and other forms of power.

See the world.
When using my voice for a documentary, I try not to get in the way of the subject. The voice is a backdrop, a further explanation of what is being shown.
Omniversum: Arabia
I did the voice over for this 45 minute documentary, told from the point of view of a Moroccan film student. The movie played in IMAX Omniversum Den Haag. Incredible to hear my own voice in this complete surround setting.
SamSam: The Movie
'Vechten voor je toekomst'. A project about kids in Uganda, who are using boxing as a means of dreaming about the future. The school series was produced by Jongens van de Wit, and also released on DVD and online.
Feature 3
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa.

Engaging Guided Tours
Het Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam
'Pure Veerkracht' was an enormous exhibition in The Museum of Natural History in Rotterdam about city biology, where children could discover their own way through an interactive narrative. I provided the voice for all installations, produced by DiColore.
Paleis Het Loo
This is the former Royal palace of the Netherlands, in Apeldoorn. The exhibition 'We, Willem' told the story of William of Orange, the precursor to the Royal family. Produced by Di Colore, I had the honour of portraying Willem himself.
Centraal Museum Utrecht
In the installation 'Oog in Oog', developed by Monobanda and written by Jorrit Thijn, visitors get the chance to live out a scenario that actually happened in my street in Utrecht. An angry, but innocent, citizen was confronted by police, and was shot to death. By picking from multiple dialogue options, you get the chance to turn back the events and look for a more peaceful resolution. I voiced several citizens in their anger and confusion.
This exhibition was part of the program 'Vrede van Utrecht', celebrating the Peace Treaty of Utrecht's 300th anniversary.